Basket Stool
These glass Basket Stools are made with the lost-basket-method, invented by Arnout Visser. A basket of withies is made, this are the strong and flexible willow stems. This withy-basket is soaked in water for a long time. Then a large bubble of liquid glass is blown. When this hot glass is blown into the withy-basket, the basket will burn, but not before it leaves a mark of its woven motive in the glass. Out of the fire and smoke from the burning basket, the glass design arises, like a Phoenix. After a careful process of sawing, cutting, polishing and silvering on the inside, the design is finished. Every glass Basket Stool is unique and exclusive in its definition.

Please, have a seat...
Glass is know for its vulnerability. However, these glass stools are steady enough to sit on them, making them a proper stool.

Small Baskets
Small Baskets are made from smaller withies baskets. These baskets are also unique and exclusive in its definition. They are suited for a lot of things, including: fruit basket, plant holder, aquarium, key basket, decoration... Where will you use it for?